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137 Visual Researchers

Beatriz Abreu
e-mail beatrizmsa@gmail.com

Project Type
All Project Types
Research Type
Visuals Stills, Visuals Footage, Music Clearances, Licensing, Project Management, Editorial Research
Subject Areas
History World, Politics And Current Affairs, Food, Biography, Geography, Human Rights, Science And Environment, Popular Culture, Arts And Culture, Nature, Crime, Music, First Nations Issues
English, Other

Rob Appleford
e-mail eppiplatz@gmail.com
Project Type
All Formats
Research Type
Visuals Stills, Visuals Footage, Editorial Research
Subject Areas
History World, History Canadian, History American, History European, Politics Current Affairs, Food, Biography, Human Rights, Popular Culture, Arts Culture, Music, Architecture, Social Studies, First Nations Issues
About My Work
I recently learned about this opportunity through VSRC member Melissa Laverdure, and as a former academic, I was excited to realize my archival research experience could be useful in this new line of work. I'm keen to learn and get started!