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137 Visual Researchers
Delphine Saint-Marcoux
City Montréal

Project Type All Project Types
Research Type Music Clearances, Talent Clearances, Trademark Clearances, Licensing, Project Management, Editorial Research
Subject Areas Food, Popular Culture, Arts And Culture, Nature, Music
Languages English, French

About My Work Pigiste depuis plus de 7 ans, je me spécialise dans la libération des droits musicaux. Mon expérience est diversifiée: émission de variétés, magazines, documentaires, séries télé, longs-métrages fiction, je touche à tous les types de production y compris les libération de Grands Droits/Stage Rights (théâtre, danse etc.). Avec Sophie Moreau, Ghislain O'Prêtre, Josée-Anne Tremblay et Emma Brunet, nous formons laNégo.
Natalya Sharapova
City Toronto

Project Type Documentary, Feature Films, Factual Series, Museum Exhibitions, Web Content
Research Type Visuals Stills, Visuals Footage, Talent Clearances, Licensing, Editorial Research
Subject Areas History World, History American, Politics And Current Affairs, Biography, Human Rights, Arts And Culture, Crime, Architecture And Interior Design, Social Studies
Languages English, French, Other

About My Work Dear VRSC, I am a Toronto-based archival producer and an independent filmmaker / educator, and wanted to apply for membership. During the last 15 years I've sourced, researched & cleared multiple projects on subjects as different as Jewish diaspora in the former USSR, US-Korean war, Yemen humanitarian crisis, history of R&B, US travel ban, Boko Haram and many, many more. Though my major focus has been on museum exhibitions I also worked with VICE NEWS, VOA, A&E and a bunch of European networks. Please let me know if you'd need more information to process my application. Sincerely, Natasha Sharapova
Anni Spadafora
City Toronto
Project Type All Formats
Research Type All Types
Subject Areas History World, History Canadian, History American, History European, History Military, Politics Current Affairs, Food, Biography, Geography, Human Rights, Popular Culture, Arts Culture, Crime, Music, Architecture, Social Studies, Sports, First Nations Issues, Agriculture
Languages English, Italian
About My Work Emerging visual researcher with a background visual and music now working in film across visual research, producing, and casting activities. I have in recent years worked on a variety film and television projects, largely with Toronto-based Production Company, Visitor Media: These projects including Lido TV (CBC Gem), Swan Song (CBC), and current Betrayal (documentary film directed by Lena Macdonald - CBC Docs)